Thursday, October 21, 2010

HCG Homeopathic Weight Loss Method

Please feel free to send me a question.  This is a basic rules list.  All of us tweak it to fit.  Ideally you read Pounds and Inches several times over.

HCG Homeopathic Weight Loss Method

HCG along with the diet allows your body to access abnormal fat for burning and functioning.  Without the HCG you can not survive on this diet.  HCG suppresses appetite, protects your good fat and muscles, and even tightens your skin for up to a year after you discontinue using it.  Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone found in the urine of pregnant women.  In fact, it’s the hormone used with pregnancy tests!

Recommendations that will help you reach your overall goals
_ Drink filtered or bottle spring water. Tap water is mostly loaded with chlorine and fluoride, both extreme toxins.
_ Walk at least 30 minutes per day. No heavy weight-lifting at the gym.
_ Apple Cider Vinegar and Balsamic Vinegar can be used on your salads and to marinate your proteins. This stimulates metabolism and cleansing of the internal organs. It is also powerful in helping to release stored fat cells.  Diabetics try to take in ¼ to 1/3 cup per day of ACV.  All should try to drink a cup of water with a tablespoon of ACV before each meal.
_ Extra Virgin Coconut Oil can be used for cooking or supplementation. This stimulates the metabolism, improves digestion, and helps to release fat. Use sparingly when cooking. This can also be applied to the skin in replacement of lotion or massage oils.  This is controversial so if you are not losing do without.
_ Stevia is allowed. No artificial sweeteners.
_ Organic food is preferred but not required if not available to you or too costly.
_ Adding fiber will help relieve constipation, reduce appetite, improve digestion and cleanse the body of toxins. Psyllium is great and can be found at Trader Joe’s or other health food stores.
_ Drink Celestial Seasonings green tea and Alvita licorice root tea.  
_ Eliminate all carbonated beverages. They block calcium absorption, cause nutritional imbalances, slow digestion and clog the lymphatic system.
_ Eliminate all alcoholic beverages.
_ Weigh yourself daily in the morning when you wake up without clothing and after you have emptied your bladder.  Measure yourself before beginning.


Day 1 and 2 (LOAD DAYS):
Start taking your HCG Homeopathic 10 drops three times per day, before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner. Eat as often as you like throughout the two load days.  This will increase your body’s storage of fat to prepare you for the 500 calorie per day limit after your load days. Gorge yourself on fatty foods eating as healthy as you can by eating the good fats. Eating starch in moderation helps to decrease your appetite after completing the gorging days.
The goal of load days is not to keep your weight gain to a minimum.  Whatever you gain will melt off so fast you'll be astounded.  Your goal in load days is to jump start and LOCK IN the fat burning process.  If your body runs out fatty intake it will go for easy carbs. You want to make a fats offer that's too good to refuse.

Also, if you are burning carbs when you hit vlcd you may deal with more hunger than is necessary. Your body will continue to search for carbs (hunger!!) until it finally realizes there are no more and the fat stores
are the only thing available for energy. If you do a good job on load days you'll be locked in to that fat burning process and your hunger will be at a minimum. Your body will have a jump start on which direction to go and burn the fat that it previously stored. :)

Absolutely NO starches or sugars on days 3-42!

Day 3 and beyond:
VLCD - Very Low Calorie Diet
Drink ½ -1 gallon of filtered water throughout the day.
Do not skip meals. Your total intake will be about 500 calories consisting of protein, vegetables and fruit. It is better to spread the food throughout the day to help with any hunger or blood sugar issues. You can have your allowable fruit for breakfast to assist in increasing blood sugar and increase energy.

Food Guide for Phase 2
Since your total for the day is 500 calories, use the calories found in your 2 fruits, 2 proteins, 2 melba toasts or grissini’s and then subtract that from the 500 calories. You then make up the rest of your 500 calories in vegetables.  I don’t bother with this – I figure I won’t go overboard on veggies.

Protein Selections:
Choose only one protein for lunch and another for dinner. Never eat the same protein twice on the same day. 100 grams of the following:
Beef 95% fat free
Turkey 99% fat free
Chicken breast (no skin)
White fish (Flounder, Sole, Cod, Tilapia, Wild Chilean Sea Bass, Grouper and Halibut)
Removing all visible fat and weigh prior to cooking – 3.5 ounces.  If you weigh after cooking it’s 3 ounces.

Vegetable Selections:
Choose only one vegetable for lunch and another for dinner - never eating the same
vegetable in the same day:
Lettuce (all kinds)
White/Yellow/Red Onions
Beet Greens

Fruits Selections:
You may have 2 fruit servings daily.  Eat separately on an empty stomach.
½ Grapefruit
1 Small Apple
1 Handful of Strawberries
1 Small Orange
Drink as much coffee, tea and non-caloric drink as you desire throughout the day –
although diet soda is not advised for health reasons, but is acceptable.

Remember - do not eat the same protein, vegetable, or fruit twice in the same day.

You can cook with fresh herbs, lemons, limes, sea salt, raw apple cider vinegar and Stevia.

You can have a meal for breakfast and dinner, breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner.  I always have strawberries and green tea for breakfast because it’s a treat for me.  I have an apple for afternoon snack.  I have my meat and veggies at lunch and dinner.  I allow a sugar free soda but I wish I was strong enough to avoid this.

Last two days:
Stop taking HCG and stay on VLCD
Follow food plan for phase 2. This is done because the HCG is still in your system.
Drink plenty of the following:
Bottled water
Oolong Tea
Chamomile Tea
Black coffee (no creamer)
Green Tea

Please do not resume eating normally until you have completed the last three days of your VLCD.
Foods eaten other than what is on this list will affect weight loss.
The duration of phase two is 26-40 days. Smaller durations are ideal for those that need to lose 20-30 pounds. If more weight loss is desired or necessary, the phase can be repeated, taking longer phase 3 breaks, until the goal weight is reached.  During phase 2 - going out to eat is not recommended simply because you are not able to control the amount of fat and other products used. However, it’s not completely impossible to do. When going out to eat be sure to only ask for the allowable vegetable.  If ordering a salad, use lettuce or spinach only, or order just tomatoes as a side dish.  Order an 8oz steak and cut it in half as soon as it comes to the table, or request a 4 oz. steak. Chicken can be done the same way.  When it comes to meal times don’t stress about it. It helps to prepare in advance crockpot meals so when you come home you can relax. Save your fruits for dessert or snacks when hungry.

The Plateau:
“Some people experience a 4 – 6 day interruption in their regular daily weight loss. If your weight has been stationary for at least four days without any dietary error having been committed, you may take an “apple day” to break up the plateau. An apple day begins at lunch and continues until just before lunch of the following day. The only food consumed during this time is 6 large apples, which are to be eaten one at a time whenever you feel the desire. Remember, six large apples is the maximum allowed for this entire time. During an “apple day” no other food or liquids except plain water are allowed, and of that water, you may drink just enough to quench an uncomfortable thirst if eating an apple still leaves you thirsty.” Resume eating at lunch the next day.

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