Saturday, August 15, 2099

What you need to order, and where

There are many places to purchase your HCG but I wanted to use exactly what my successful cousins used, so here is what I got.  Read the original Pounds and Inches manuscript from this page, too (for free)! Link to order: The HCG - will last 40 days or so.  Also about half way down read the Homeopathic instructions if you're not familar with using them.  This says to refrigerate the HCG but I don't.  If it's convenient go ahead.

My favorite health food store is  If you've never ordered from them before use coupon code COZ879 to get $5 off your first order, and shipping is free for orders over $40.  All of the items below are links to what I order from them for this weight loss. 

Must use non mint toothpaste
Colon cleanse and elimination aid
Candida cleanse - take 2 3 times per day - don't skip this step
Helps stop hunger - I wouldn't be without it
Best probiotic - take 1 3 times per day on empty stomach
Another good probiotic - can alternate with the best
Oil free Vitamin D&K
Use all of them - produce wash is a must, even for organics
Use on salads, and take 1 tblsp in 8 oz water 3 times per day
Iodine - most everyone needs it
Antioxidant must when taking Iodoral
A must and it's cheap - also lowers cholesterol
Omega3 in smallest capsule I could find
Use for lotion - can't use any oil but baby oil for dry skin
Candy that's good for your teeth - a few a day is a good treat
Some people can use this for bodycare and still lose
Perfect face moisture

Some food products and the exercise I use that I find on Amazon.  Kevin Trudeau's book is an American update of the original Pounds & Inches.  He's used the actual hormone in a shot format.  Not something I'd do.  I much prefer the homeopathic way for most things.  The Paleo Solution is a lifetime way of life that most of us should follow.  Robb's a good writer who helps you understand why - not just how.  The breadsticks and melba toast recommended in the HCG diet are not mandatory, and if you can do without please do.  I find it's very satisfying nibbling on the crunchy melba toast, but I often forget them and am glad I did.  The breadsticks are for mouth satisfaction so if you need that use them.  The miracle noodles are something I've ordered but not tried yet.  They just don't look appetizing.  However, it seems you can't go wrong when adding fiber so if you need a more filling day try them.  Let me know how you liked them in the comments section!

This is from my favorite of all time brands - Pricey but she has specials
Oil free face serum I use for moisture

Two good choices for foundation I use both from  Never order from there without going through Mr Rebates, though, cause you get great discounts, sales, and a rebate.  Tarte amazonian clay for light coverage and Bare Escentuals.  Both are good for your skin, just depends on if you like powder or liquid.


  1. Good Luck Deana! I have a friend who did this same diet and she looks great! I will enjoy reading about your progress :)

  2. I'm thinking of starting this diet Is it safe.

  3. I found a cool website

    your bcbs buddy

  4. Timothy, I hope you come back to read my answer since I don't know how to respond otherwise. This diet has been in use for over 60 years globally. It's very healthy. All of my health issues have vastly improved on it. I started my second round today with my bcbsbuddy. Do you have specific questions about safety?
